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Learn Chinese in Berlin

Having Chinese language skills will open up a world of new opportunities for you. As the second largest economy in the world, China is not only of economic but also of political significance. By understanding the language, you will also gain insight into the millennia-old Chinese culture. If you want to learn Chinese for your job or studies, our Berlin language school is the ideal place for you. We look forward to hearing from you, and would be happy to discuss our Chinese courses with you!

At our language school you will learn Mandarin, a variant of Chinese spoken by about 1.1 billion people as a native or second language. It is the second most spoken language in the world. While the logographic writing system is the same in all varieties of Chinese, there are distinct differences in vocabulary and grammar. If you can communicate in Mandarin, much of China is open to you linguistically.

Prices for Chinese courses

Scopeprivate lessons two-person lessonBusiness

20 lessons

private lessons:

700 EUR

two-person lesson:

440 EUR
per Person


780 EUR

Chinese Courses at LOGO for Beginners and Advanced Learners

Our practical and varied Chinese courses are taught by native speakers. At LOGO, you can take group courses, courses for two, or individual courses at different levels. The advantage of group lessons is that students can support each other and practice together.

One-to-one Chinese lessons are particularly suitable for managers, university staff and students. The very personal attention and intensive learning will prepare you perfectly for a stay in China or intensive interactions with Chinese-speaking people. An individual Chinese course is also ideal for those who are preparing for a language exam. The course will naturally be tailored to meet your needs and expectations. In addition, we also offer company courses in which we prepare employees for a business trip to China, or for a reception of Chinese business partners or colleagues in Germany.

Chinese seems complicated at first glance. The spelling and grammar rules take some getting used to for Europeans. But with a high level of motivation and commitment, you too can learn Chinese! With the competent support of our language teachers, you will soon be able to speak, read and write Chinese. We are looking forward to your inquiry!

Online AND Offline

All courses are possible as
online or hybrid classes