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Learn German in a 2-Person Group in Berlin

Learning German is an exciting journey that is twice as much fun with a learning partner. At our language school in Berlin, you can also do a German course together with another student. You can either learn with someone you already know, or we can find a suitable learning partner for you!

Only 480 EUR per Person

20 lessons

German Courses for Two at LOGO

A relaxing and supportive environment for learning German offers you the best conditions for optimal learning success. A particularly close and informal atmosphere is possible in two-person or duo lessons. You can learn together with someone with whom you already have a personal connection and common learning goals, but if you do not have a learning partner, we will find a suitable one for you.

In order for both students to benefit from the two-to-one approach, we make sure that the students have similar language levels and expectations.

Why Study in Pairs Instead of in a Group or Alone?

Two-to-one lessons can be an excellent option for you to achieve your learning goals.

Some of the advantages are:

  • Relationship of trust: if you already know your learning partner, there is a special relationship of trust. You need not be afraid of making mistakes, and you can overcome language inhibitions more quickly. If you hadn’t met your learning partner before, you will find that you soon get to know each other, and an agreeable learning pace for both students naturally develops. This is because you only have to focus on the other student and not on a larger group.
  • Flexibility: In a group of two, you can decide together with your partner when and how often your lessons will take place. We are very flexible regarding scheduling. In addition, our teachers adapt the course content and pace to suit the needs of a group of two.
  • Feedback: Since the teacher only has to concentrate on two language students, there is more time per person. You therefore get more feedback, which is enormously important when learning a language.
  • Motivation: In duo lessons you each support and motivate your language partner. In this way, you both work more intensively with the German language and achieve better learning results.

Learning German is both challenging and rewarding. If you have a committed learning partner by your side to help you, you will learn better. In a two-person group, you can reach your goals more efficiently and quickly. It is also financially more affordable than individual lessons, and therefore especially suitable for couples who study or work in Berlin.

Our experienced LOGO German teachers will guide you through the course material and motivate you, and are always available for questions. Book a German course for two at our language school in Prenzlauer Berg now!

Online AND Offline

All courses are possible as
online or hybrid classes