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English Evening Courses in Berlin

Do you want to improve your English, but your work or your private life is just too busy? A full intensive course in the afternoon is just not an option for you? Then our evening courses could be the perfect solution! The focused lessons help students make rapid progress while learning together in a motivated group, and all of this in a relaxing atmosphere once a week in the evening: LOGO’s English evening courses are our most booked classes!

Only 290 EUR

20 lessons
in 10 weeks 

What Are the Advantages of an Evening Language Course?

An evening course enables you to easily fulfill your professional, academic, private and family commitments while improving your English skills. It allows you to concentrate fully on your English course in the evening without the lessons taking over your life, enabling you to improve your language skills quickly.

At our language school, we offer a relaxing and supportive learning atmosphere that motivates you to participate and converse. In our practice-oriented English evening courses you will improve your vocabulary, grammar and conversation skills. Your language learning goals and the requirements of your language level are the main focus. We make sure that you always feel comfortable in your evening course.

Our native English instructors teach with passion and have a wealth of experience. After completing an evening English course, you are guaranteed to be able to communicate more effectively in English, whether at work, in your studies or while traveling.

Evening English Courses at LOGO: Planning and Schedule

At our language school, we have small groups with a maximum size of eight participants. This guarantees a lot of speaking practice and more individualized learning. In addition, the small group size gives more opportunities for focused language practice, learning from each other, as well as socializing.

The English evening courses take place once a week on either Wednesday or Thursday, and consist of two teaching units of 45 minutes each. This gives you plenty of time to review and practice what you have learned before the next lesson. We are happy to advise you regarding the exact course times for your language level. You can send us a request here!

An evening English course is ideal if you would like to improve your career opportunities with better English skills, but you have a busy schedule during the day. In addition, an evening course is a great way to prepare for English exams or holidays abroad. Our courses are a convenient and efficient way to learn English. We look forward to hearing from you via the form or email!

Online AND Offline

All courses are possible as
online or hybrid classes