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Preparation courses
for German telc exams

Having German language skills will broaden your personal, educational and professional horizons. If you want to study or work in Germany, you often have to present proof of these skills. A telc examination is internationally recognized, and certifies your German language skills for a specific language level and for specific requirements. The preparation courses at our language school in Prenzlauer Berg in the heart of Berlin will prepare you perfectly for a successful telc exam.

Preparation courses for all telc language levels

telc stands for “The European Language Certificates”. The exams are standardized and internationally recognized language tests that assess the participant’s knowledge of German.

Our preparation courses are available for all language levels from A1 to C2. A1 and A2 cover the basic use of the language, B1 and B2 focus on independent language use, and C1 and C2 on competent language use. If you want to take part in a preparation course, you should make sure that you choose one that suits both your level as well as your telc examination goal.

In addition, we regularly offer preparation courses for job-related and university-related German exams. For example, if you want to study at a German university or work as an academic, you must successfully pass the “telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule” exam. That is the proof of your advanced language level with university-related German skills. In addition, we offer special courses for the professional world in general as well as for the fields of nursing and medicine.

Content and duration of the preparation courses

Our experienced German teachers will prepare you intensively and thoroughly for your telc examination. You will learn the basic exam structure as well as the typical exam contents and formats. In addition, you will learn more about what is expected in the written and oral subtasks. With this knowledge and having acquired concrete strategies for finding the correct solutions, you will be able to assess much better what is expected of you in the listening, reading, writing and speaking parts of the telc examination.

Further on in the preparation course, you will practice taking the exam with realistic model tests that correspond to the telc exams. Our German teachers will give you feedback, and point out any weaknesses or areas requiring improvement. In our group courses, you can also exchange ideas with the other language students. A group course also gives you more practice of the oral part of the exam through discussions and role play activities.

The preparation courses are usually designed to be as compact as possible, and they only last a few weeks with several dates a week. You can therefore prepare yourself perfectly for your telc exam within a short period of time. A preparation course greatly increases your chances of passing the exam and improves your exam results.

Enquire now!

Our preparation courses will help you pass your telc exam successfully at any language level. It doesn’t matter if you are still a beginner learning German at the A1 or A2 level, or you already have very advanced German skills at the C1 level or higher: We will help you achieve your goals. Register here for a preparation course at LOGO! Or do you need more information? Then please contact us, we look forward to hearing from you.

Online AND Offline

All courses are possible as
online or hybrid classes